Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 211

Beautiful warm sunny day here today and more warm weather on its way - bring it on!
Wii 1st thing. Tammy dropped Damien of early this morning because she had to take Payton to school - another day for her. Ruby did her Wii after breakfast and I was out doing some more work on the new deck. After her school Payton was here before lunchtime. It being such a nice day after lunch we were all outside playing and working. Tammy here for awhile in the afternoon and after they all left Ruby did some work on the flower bed at the front of our driveway. Started cluing up the work a little after 3 pm. After supper and the news we went for a walk. Time to relax.

Lunch time

Work time

Mud creek - brook behind our home

Play time

Work and play time lol

Turkeys behind our home again

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