Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 203

Cloudy day here today - a little cool but not a bad day.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning. Home hardware arrived with the material for our deck while I was having breakfast. Helped him unload. Now all I have to do is put it all together. After I finished my breakfast caught up on some bookwork and went for a walk after that. After that I started carrying away some of the material left over from the stumps we had ground down last fall. That and the front flower bed will all have to be removed to make room for our deck. Some will be used when we fix up the flower bed along the side of the patio there now. Ruby did her Wii and I cleaned the corn stove before we went into Noel's for supper. Spent a couple hours with them before the grandkids went to bed. Home relaxing now. Have to get up bright and early tomorrow morning - have to be at Noel's by 6:45 to watch the grandkids. Noel is working and Tammy has an interview for a job with GM in Ingersol. Wish her luck.

Flower beds to remove and fix up

New deck materials

Ruby Wiiing

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