Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 188

What a great day here today - 10 degrees and sunny - keep'em coming!!
10 deer in the field behind the park this morning - of to the side of our home. Their were 5 deer and 20 turkeys there yesterday morning. Wii 1st thing. After breakfast I hooked up Ruby's washer to the kitchen sink for her to try - works great. Ruby did her Wii workout while I hooked it up. Payton and Damien here for lunch. So nice here today they could go outside without their coats on. I finished Noel and Tammy's tax return and filed them. Then I went for a walk. Ruby went for her walk after Tammy picked up the grandkids. Before supper I did mom and dad's tax returns and filed them after supper. Their were 6 deer back in the field at supper time. Then it was relax time.

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