Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 185

Great sunny day again today.
Wii 1st thing - Carla did hers right after. After gathering all their gear etc we managed to get on the road at 1015 am to take Carla & Kim to Toronto - not bad for 3 women getting ready in a small place. We arrived at Chinatown in Toronto at 1145 am. Did some looking around (shopping for the women) at the Dragon City Mall and then we walked to the Chinatown Center which is in the same building as the hotel where the girls are staying. Lots and lots of shops etc in Chinatown, you would need a couple of days to walk the streets and have a look. At around 2 pm Carla & Kim checked in. It's a nice hotel and we had a look at their room - nice. We then left to walk back to our vehicle (underground parking), Ruby picked up some pastries on the way, and brought their luggage to the hotel front. We then said goodbye to the girls, gonna miss them, and headed home. We stopped in Cambridge to have supper and arrived home at 630 pm. After we got settled away we relaxed and watched a movie.
We hope Carla and Kim had a good time here with us, we enjoyed having them. It was so good to see Carla again.

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