Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 206

A sunny day here today but very cold - only 1 degree with some wind.
Wii 1st thing. Tammy dropped Payton here at 9 am as she has another interview with GM this morning - we are hoping she gets a job with them. Ruby did her Wii after breakfast, with Payton's help, and I burned & did covers for 7 Star Wars movies for Damien, also with help from Payton lol. Damien loves Star Wars. After lunch me and Payton went out and finished putting the garden ties in place for the flower bed. It was a bit cold at first but warmed up a bit in the sun. Tammy picked her up before supper and after supper I went for a walk. Relaxing.

Having fun with Payton

Our little computer expert

Damien's Star Wars movies

The new flower bed & walkway

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