Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 184

Nice sunny day today but not quite as warm as the previous few days with the wind, but still a great day.
Wii 1st thing. Tammy dropped of Damien & Payton before lunch. After lunch we took them sliding in the park. Ruby was very nervous of Payton sliding because she has no fear and wanted to start at the top but Ruby wouldn't let her. Ruby got in front of her once at the bottom to stop her but she knocked Ruby down, Payton thought this was lots of fun (see last pic). Damien has no problem as he can steer his sled where he wants to go but Payton don't care where she goes lol. She has a steering wheel on her sled too but she doesn't steer very well yet. We had 4 cones set up and Damien could steer through them easily. Also Payton cut across the hill once and Damien avoided an accident by steering around her - Ruby was doing lots of yelling lol. After we went home Tammy came for a while and picked them up and I went for a walk. At 7 pm we all went into Noel's for Carla and Kim to say goodbye as we are taking them into Toronto tomorrow morning. Its gonna be a struggle to get 3 woman on the road early in the morning lol.

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