Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 210

Great day here today - sunny and warm - nice!!!!!
Wii 1st thing. Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning. After breakfast and some paper work etc I did some more work on our new deck. Finished laying the Dec-Blocks for the main section. I met Noel at his place at 4 pm and we went into our hunting spot and did some shooting with our guns and change cards in my trail camera. Noel's gun scope is right on but my gun's scope needed some adjusting and still needs some fine tuning. The iron sights on my gun are on though. We will have to do some more adjusting on my scope later. We did not get any pictures of any deers on the trail camera, lots of sign though, but we got some squirrels, raccoons and turkeys (see pics below). Hopefully we'll get a crack at them turkeys next month. Hey Bruce you coming up to try this turkey hunting with us - its open until May 31st. Ruby did her Wii while we were gone. We had a late supper and relax time after.

Dec-Blocs laid




Turkeys - ours hopefully lol

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