Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 199

Warm and sunny here again today - another great one.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby did her Wii after breakfast. Measured up and made a material list for our planned deck on the side of our trailer. Also figured out the materials needed for the edging of our planned flower beds and driveway. After lunch I picked up Noel and we went into Woodstock to look for some ammo for our shotguns and to get some quotes on our deck materials. Could not find any 16 gauge shotgun shells in Woodstock so may have to go to London to get some. I would like to use the 16 gauge for turkey hunting next month. Also I received my PAL card today, so I think I have everything for hunting up here now. When we got back home Tammy and the grandkids were here and they all stayed for supper - BBQ. After supper I took the grandkids for a walk down to the end of the park where they enjoyed trying to skip rocks on the water. After they went home me and Ruby went for a walk. Relaxing now.

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