Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 208

Cloudy and cool here this morning but started raining just before lunch and rained the rest of the day.
Up at the crack with the grandkids - loving it - although Payton did sleep in a little bit this morning. After breakfast I picked up Noel and we went to a gun show in Tavistock. We found 2 guns we liked so we checked if we could make a trade on one with my 30-30 (can't be used up here). We went back to Noel's and got my gun and took it to the show so he could check the gun out. He offered a reasonable deal (I thought) so I traded my 30-30 plus a little cash for my gun and Noel bought his gun from another table. We both got a marlin 22 magnum with scope - different models. We figured they would be a good varmint rifles up here - shots are cheap ( for target practice) and good for anything from a squirrel to a coyote. Noel picked the grandkids up after lunch. We did a bit of relaxing (Sunday again lol) and before supper I sprinkled some lawn seed on the low points I had filled in our lots and raked it in. Needed to be wet so it was a good time with the rain. After supper I went online and purchased mine and Noel's fishing and small game licences - they are good until Dec 2010. Relax time after.

Into gamma's chocolate candy

Our new to us guns

Wyatt's gun

Noel's gun

Miss dressup

Start 'em young lol

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