Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 182

Beautiful warm, sunny, springlike day here today.
Wii 1st thing. Carla did her Wii workout after. Tammy dropped of Payton at 0830 this morning as she had to go on a school field trip with Damien. Ruby into Woodstock this morning. After Ruby got back and after lunch I went for a walk. Me & Payton went for a walk around the park when I got back. Carla and Kim went for a walk before supper. While they were gone we decorated the trailer for a surprise birthday supper for Kim. Payton was so excited. Tammy and Damien here before supper and Noel came after he got home from work. All the crew here. The grandkids here for a sleepover also. They have just gone to bed, it's quiet here now lol, and we will soon as I'm sure they will be up bright and early tomorrow morning and we have another busy day lined up with them tomorrow.

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