Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 200

No sun today. Cloudy and cold, about 5 degrees most of the day. Oh well we had a great stretch of weather.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby did her Wii after breakfast. Right after breakfast I picked up Noel & Damien and we drove to London to buy some shotgun shells. We picked up a box of 16 & 10 gauge shells and 2 boxes of 12 gauge shells plus 2 turkey decoys - getting ready - put your order in for a turkey lol. Of course we had to stop at Damien's favorite place for lunch. After we got back I did some more planning for our deck - its getting bigger all the time lol. We are going to build the deck on the side of the trailer on our extra lot but there is no patio door on that side. I was gonna move the patio door but Ruby doesn't want to do that so we are gonna build a wrap around deck to connect with the covered deck already there on the other side of the trailer. We will connect the 2 decks across the front of the trailer with a 4 foot walkway. Plans are subject to change lol. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. We did a bit of relaxing after they left.

Doing what we moved up here for!!!!

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