Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 204

Great day here today - sunny and 13 degrees.
Into Noel'a at 06:30 am to watch grandkids. After Ruby walked Damien to school me, Ruby and Payton went to our home. After breakfast I did my Wii workout with a little help from Payton lol. After lunch me and my little helper went out and did some work on the garden while Ruby did her Wii workout. Ruby was out with us after. Still working on removing the front flower bed, leveling the walkway & flower bed along the patio. Tammy picked up Payton. I went into Woodstock before supper to pick up some more materials, why can't you get it all in one trip lol. After supper we went for a walk and then relaxing for the evening.

Pops little helper!

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