Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 272

31 degrees and sunny until around 3 pm when we had some thunder showers which cooled things down to 25. We needed some rain though.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. Tammy started her full time job this morning - congrats. Noel dropped Payton off here after Damien went to school as Tammy was working and he needed some sleep as he had to work this evening. I mowed and trimmed the lawn before lunch. Was gonna do some more work on the deck railing but too hot. After lunch we were up in the park pool for 1 1/2 hours and then I went into Woodstock to pick up some more bolts for the deck railing posts. Noel picked Payton up at 3 pm. Getting ready to watch the hockey game now.

Caught with Ruby's glasses

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