Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 265

Very, very warm and sunny here today. 27 degrees.
Out for my walk 1st thing this morning. After breakfast we got ready and left Sibbald Point Park at 11 am. Stayed clear of the main highways and came back the way we went. Fueled up in Tavistock and arrived home at 3 pm. Unhooked the vehicle and car dolly in the park parking lot and put the car dolly in the storage area at the end of the park. Brought the motor home down on our lot as we have to unload some things and check the water pump plus wash it. Took out a few things that we needed but left the rest for later as it was hot and we were a bit tired. Had to turn on the AC in the home to try and cool down. After supper we watched the Canadians get put out.

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