Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 242

Thunder showers here this morning but clear up after lunch and nice warm day after.
Wii 1st thing with the grandkids. Noel & Tammy picked them up before lunch for their gymnastics. Me and Noel were gonna go turkey hunting after lunch but with the thunder showers we called it off. I got back at trying to get the gas grass trimmer to work, finally found the problem - it's the gas filter - new one ordered. It hasn't been used for 3 or 4 years so I guess the filter must have plugged up. We went to the potluck supper at the park chalet which they have to welcome everyone back from down south - nice time. Everyone back now so its a good crowd here now compared to the winter. We are getting to know more people and more names here too - its takes awhile. We are relaxing now and watching the hockey game.

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