Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 269

Another hot one here today, sunny and 29 degrees. We did have a shower around supper time.
Into Noel's at 6 am to stay with the grandkids until they got up. After they got up I brought them to our place for breakfast and to spend the day with us. When we got here I did some Wii and after breakfast I went for my walk. While I was gone Ruby did her Wii with some help from the grandkids. When I got back I installed the new mini switch in the motor home water pump and put the pump back in place - everything worked ok. After lunch I took the motor home down to the storage area in the park and then we all went for a dip in the park pool. After Tammy picked up the grand kids me and Ruby went into Kitchener to do a bit of shopping and then did some more in Woodstock before we returned home. We then relaxed a bit on the patio.

Play time

Walk time

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