Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 270

Another hot one - still 23 degrees here - enough said lol.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. After breakfast I went up to the pool for a dip. We then went to the park chalet for a general meeting of the residents. Some good news, the road into the park is going to be paved starting Monday. It was paved before but was getting pretty rough. After the meeting the was a lunch BBQ of sausages and patties with everything donated by the park owners except a few salads and deserts which the residents brought. After that we went into Woodstock and picked up a ceiling fan for the living room and a fan for the sun room to get the air circulating. Its nice and cool in the living room with the A/C but we wanted to get the air circulating throughout the home. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper and me and Noel did some more practicing with our bows before supper. While the grand kids were here I gave each of them an invitation to Ruby's birthday party tomorrow (we are having it tomorrow due to Noel & Tammy working Monday). They were so excited and you should have seen them keeping it hidden from gamma. After they left we went to the pool again to cool down a bit. Watching the hockey game now.

Marker fun

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