Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 255

A bit of fog here early this morning but cleared up nicely and sunny and warm from there on. Up to 19 degrees.
A bit of Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk/run. After I got back I went in and picked up Payton as Tammy was working and Noel had worked last night. After breakfast I took the vehicle into Canadian Tire to get checked - noise in the front and smell of antifreeze - water pump I figured. Sure enough it was the water pump and I had it replaced there - can't do my own work now, no garage - gotta pay someone to do it lol. Ruby did some of her Wii with Payton while I was gone. After I got back I went out at the deck railing until supper time. We are getting ready now to go into Noel's to visit/watch the grand kids for the evening.

Ruby's Mothers Day flowers

Having fun with our girl

Some wildlife shots from our home

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