Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 262

Cloudy day here today but very warm - in the mid 20s.
Left our home at 10:30 this morning for our first camping trip since we moved here. Into Noel's to watch the grand kids during lunch hour while Tammy worked. Took them for a ride to Tavistock in the motor home to fuel up. We left Noel's at 1 pm and arrived at Sibbald Point Provincial Park at 4:45 pm. We stayed clear of the main highways and took the back way - a little longer but lots more to see and not as much traffic. Once we got registered at the park we sort of went astray in the park as we missed where we were suppose to turn for our site - it's a very big park with over 900 sites - I blame it on co-pilot error lol. We ended up in the tent section of the park with very narrow roads with some sharp turns. We managed to get out of it and then a very friendly OPP officer stop and said we looked as if we were lost. We gave her our site # and she guided us to it. We could not get our motor home on that site (to small) so we parked on another site and I went back to the office to see if we could get that site. Unfortunately it was booked but they gave us another site and it was ok. Got set up and BBQ'd some wieners for a late supper. After supper we went for a ride around the park to size the place up.

Entrance to the park

Set up at Sibbald Point Provincial Park

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