Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 247

A little cooler here today - only 12 degrees and cold wind.
Did some Wii and out for a walk/run 1st thing. After breakfast Ruby did her Wii workout. I took the mower down to where our motor home is, moved the motor home and mowed the grass where it was parked. Noel & Payton here for lunch and after lunch me and Noel went turkey hunting. We saw a hen (not allowed to shoot them) while we were walking in to our spot. After we were set up for awhile Noel did some scouting and while he was gone I heard a noise behind me and when I turned it was a turkey, but it had already seen me and had turned and headed back in the woods. Don't know if it was a Hen, Jake or Tom but it was definitely a turkey lol. Noel dropped me off at home and picked up Payton before supper. Take it easy time after!

May have to cook these 2 - lol

Trail camera and solar battery

Trail camera pics

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