Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 246

Great warm (22 degrees) day here today with lots of sun. At supper time we had a big thunderstorm but it didn't last long. Cleared up right after.
Did some Wii and went for a walk/run this morning. After breakfast Ruby did her Wii and I painted the fenders on the car dolly, greased the hubs, etc. The baby birds left the nest today and we cleaned up the wreath, wall, patio deck, etc after - what a mess - no more animals lol. After lunch I installed the batteries in our motor home and let it and the generator run for about 45 minutes. While that was happening we had some stone put in our driveway. It was put in with a backhoe from a pile the owner had delivered and the operator did a great job - hardly had to do any work at leveling. After we finished with the driveway I installed the new lights in the car dolly - hopefully they won't fall out this time as I have 2 screws holding them in place. Just got it finished ahead of the thunderstorm so it was time to call it a day. We had supper and relaxed.

Turkeys in the field behind our place

Baby birds left today and left a mess

Red sky at night

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