Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 264

Another lovely 20+ day here today. A bit cloudy early this morning but clear up and the sunny the rest of the day.
Out for a walk early this morning. After breakfast did some checking on our water pump. Starting acting up yesterday and seemed to be a loose connection. Would get it working and then it would give up again. Gave up on it after a while and ran our hose to the water tap. Will have to check the pump when we get back home. Did some reading and relaxing after that. After lunch we went out to the store across from the park for an ice cream and then went to the beach in the park. Quite the crowd there today. Went out to the gate and picked up Dennis and Gail before supper and they stayed and had supper with us. It was great having them here for a visit. (by the way Gail did you find our blog ok) After they left we went to the beach and did some pics. We had a fire when we got back and Ruby did some smores - 1 for her and 1 for Helen but she ate them both lol. Its almost 11 pm here now and still 20 degrees - wonderful.

Friends from home

Shots from around the park

Fire time

For Helen

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