Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 271

Hot and sunny again. Still 23 degrees here now.
Did some relaxing and reading after breakfast this morning as its Sunday. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here after lunch with Ruby's birthday gift and cake as Tammy had to work this evening and Tammy is working tomorrow morning and Noel is working tomorrow evening. Tammy left for work and we went to the pool for a dip. After that Ruby went to Woodstock and we decorated the place for her "surprise" birthday party although its hard to have any surprises with Payton here lol. The grand kids had a great time decorating and hiding from gamma when she got home. We had Chinese food for her birthday supper and the grand kids help her blow out her candles. I gave her a new coat for her birthday as she desperately needed one (hey Helen) as she has to rebuild her stockpile lol. After supper Noel and the grand kids left for home and we relaxed and did some reading on the patio which we just came in from.

Ruby's b'day gift from the grand kids

Decorating with the grand kids

Birthday supper

From me

She needed another one

Get your order in

The temps

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