Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 273

Another hot one here today - only 27 degrees toady and down to 19 now - a real cold snap lol.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my morning walk. Ruby into Noel's to pick up Damien and Payton while I was walking. Ruby went into Woodstock after she dropped the grand kids of here. Me, Damien & Payton took down the "chandelier" in the living room and installed a fan/light combo. After lunch I took them to the pool for a dip and Noel came to pick them up while we were there. Ruby also came there just before we left the pool. After supper we went into Tavistock for the grand kids soccer.

Coat (another one (no telling Chris)) and top Ruby purchased with Marlene's and Helen's birthday gift - thanks girls.

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