Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 290

Great sunny warm day here today.
Into Noel's at 6 am and brought the grand kids to our place after they got up. After breakfast I took Damien to school. Scott dropped Kim and Rick off here before lunch. After lunch we went up to the park pool for a dip where I forgot to take my cell phone off and went into the pool. Just as I dove under water I thought about it, but to late, its not working now. I guess cell phones and water don't mix lol. We then got ready for our trip to Niagara Falls. We went into Noel's then to be there when Damien got out of school. After Noel got home we left for Niagara Falls at 4 pm. We arrived at Niagara Falls at a little after 6 pm (1 traffic jam coming down). After we checked in we went for supper and after supper we walked to the falls for the evening. Had a great time there - a band playing, lots of lights, warm evening and great fireworks at 10 pm. After the fireworks we walked the scenic route back to our hotel room as it was such a nice evening and to take in some of the sights.

Tea & dress up time

Payton's pics

Teatime lunch

Pool time

Friday evening in Niagara Falls

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