Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 286

A great warm, with mostly sunny periods, day here today and 27 degrees.
Into Noel's bright and early (06:45 am) to pick up Payton. She was still in bed. After she got up and got ready we took her with us (Tammy working and Noel & Damien going on a school field trip) to the Toronto Airport where we picked up Rick, Kim, Sara & Scot. We then went to Kitchener and dropped of Sara & Scot's luggage at his uncle's and then took Sara wedding dress shopping. The men had lots of fun at this lol. She found the dress she was looking for at only her second stop - not bad all done on the first day. We then dropped them back at his uncle's and took Payton back home. Got home at 6 pm, had a late supper and now relaxing on the patio with our company.

Our company

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