Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 289

Very warm sunny day here today. 24 degrees but felt much warmer.
I went into Noel's at 6 am this morning to wait for the grand kids to get up. After they got up I brought them to our place. After breakfast I mowed and trimmed the lawn. After lunch we went into Woodstock and met Sara & Scot at Walmart. Rick & Kim went with them to a mall in Don Mills for the afternoon. It was monthly allowance day for the grandkids and they had a great time spending it - we had great fun watching them lol. After we got home it was time to open and play with their purchases. Tammy picked them up just before supper and then me and Ruby went for a swim at the park pool to freshen up. After supper we relaxed on the patio. Kim called to let us know they would be staying with Sara & Scot for the night as it was getting late (strange for a woman to be late leaving a mall) and they will be here tomorrow morning.

No sleeping in lol

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