Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 288

Warm here today (24 degrees) but rain this morning and rain off & on throughout the day with some sun in between.
I went into Noel's at 6 am this morning and waited for Damien & Payton to get up after Noel went to work. After they got up I brought them to our place for breakfast and then took Damien to school. After breakfast we went to Woodstock to pick up some things. After lunch we went to the dairy farm where Tammy works for a tour and to see how it all works - interesting although Ruby & Kim weren't fussy about the smell lol. We then went to Noel's and picked up Damien from school and then back home. Noel & Tammy came for supper after they got home and we had a little anniversary supper for them. It was a day early but they are busy tomorrow evening. After they left for home we got on the internet and booked our hotel room for this weekend in Niagara Falls.

Doll time

A visit to Tammy's work place

Noel & Tammy 5th anniversary supper (a day early)

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