Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 300

Very warm and muggy here again today. Mostly sunny with a few clouds and a few rain showers around supper time. Still 20º here now.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. After breakfast I went down to the motor home to check and see if any earwigs in the wheel covers. Only found 3 so the spray and powder seems to be taking care of them. Will have to keep an eye on it though. After lunch I went into Woodstock to talk to Bell about my options concerning my cell phone. They called earlier and said that mind cannot be repaired. Not much of a phone - can't take being underwater - it was an expensive dip in the pool lol. They said I could buy a new or refurbished phone from them (very expensive) and use it on my contract or I could buy a Bell phone from someone else and activate in on my account. Before buying they told me to get the ESN (electronic serial number) for the phone, call them and they would let be know if anything is owed on the phone and weather it could be activated on my account. Found a BB Storm on Kijiji (lots there) and Bell okayed it. Currently waiting for some pics of the phone to be emailed to me and if they look good I will buy it.

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