Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 272

31 degrees and sunny until around 3 pm when we had some thunder showers which cooled things down to 25. We needed some rain though.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. Tammy started her full time job this morning - congrats. Noel dropped Payton off here after Damien went to school as Tammy was working and he needed some sleep as he had to work this evening. I mowed and trimmed the lawn before lunch. Was gonna do some more work on the deck railing but too hot. After lunch we were up in the park pool for 1 1/2 hours and then I went into Woodstock to pick up some more bolts for the deck railing posts. Noel picked Payton up at 3 pm. Getting ready to watch the hockey game now.

Caught with Ruby's glasses

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 271

Hot and sunny again. Still 23 degrees here now.
Did some relaxing and reading after breakfast this morning as its Sunday. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here after lunch with Ruby's birthday gift and cake as Tammy had to work this evening and Tammy is working tomorrow morning and Noel is working tomorrow evening. Tammy left for work and we went to the pool for a dip. After that Ruby went to Woodstock and we decorated the place for her "surprise" birthday party although its hard to have any surprises with Payton here lol. The grand kids had a great time decorating and hiding from gamma when she got home. We had Chinese food for her birthday supper and the grand kids help her blow out her candles. I gave her a new coat for her birthday as she desperately needed one (hey Helen) as she has to rebuild her stockpile lol. After supper Noel and the grand kids left for home and we relaxed and did some reading on the patio which we just came in from.

Ruby's b'day gift from the grand kids

Decorating with the grand kids

Birthday supper

From me

She needed another one

Get your order in

The temps

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 270

Another hot one - still 23 degrees here - enough said lol.
Some Wii 1st thing and then out for my walk. After breakfast I went up to the pool for a dip. We then went to the park chalet for a general meeting of the residents. Some good news, the road into the park is going to be paved starting Monday. It was paved before but was getting pretty rough. After the meeting the was a lunch BBQ of sausages and patties with everything donated by the park owners except a few salads and deserts which the residents brought. After that we went into Woodstock and picked up a ceiling fan for the living room and a fan for the sun room to get the air circulating. Its nice and cool in the living room with the A/C but we wanted to get the air circulating throughout the home. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper and me and Noel did some more practicing with our bows before supper. While the grand kids were here I gave each of them an invitation to Ruby's birthday party tomorrow (we are having it tomorrow due to Noel & Tammy working Monday). They were so excited and you should have seen them keeping it hidden from gamma. After they left we went to the pool again to cool down a bit. Watching the hockey game now.

Marker fun

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 269

Another hot one here today, sunny and 29 degrees. We did have a shower around supper time.
Into Noel's at 6 am to stay with the grandkids until they got up. After they got up I brought them to our place for breakfast and to spend the day with us. When we got here I did some Wii and after breakfast I went for my walk. While I was gone Ruby did her Wii with some help from the grandkids. When I got back I installed the new mini switch in the motor home water pump and put the pump back in place - everything worked ok. After lunch I took the motor home down to the storage area in the park and then we all went for a dip in the park pool. After Tammy picked up the grand kids me and Ruby went into Kitchener to do a bit of shopping and then did some more in Woodstock before we returned home. We then relaxed a bit on the patio.

Play time

Walk time

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 268

Hot, hot, hot here again today. Sunny and 29 degrees and still 23 degrees here now.
I went into Noel's at 6 am to wait for the grandkids to get up (Tammy & Noel working) and after they got up and dressed I brought them to our place for breakfast. After breakfast I took Damien to school and then went for 18 holes of golf. Payton stayed here with gamma until Tammy picked her up. They were up to the pool again. After golf I drove out to Harley to an RV repairman and got a mini switch for the water pump in the motor home. Then I tried to find a cable for my GPS but no luck. When I got home I went for a dip in the pool before supper and after supper I went with Noel & Damien to Damien's karate practice. After we got back to Noel's we tried to get his TV working but no luck at that. Got back home about 1/2 hour ago and its still warm, warm, warm lol.

Ready for swimming

Ruby's strawberries

Damien's karate

Miss dressup again