Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 389

A great day here today. A little windy but 28 deg. Its still 25 here now.
Made my morning bus run but broke down on the way home - blown o-ring in high pressure oil line according to the mechanic. Noticed smoke coming from the bottom of the bus and pull off the road and there was oil everywhere under the hood. Called base and they sent 2 mechanics and they tightened the fitting enough to drive it to the shop - also added about 10 liters of oil. One of the mechanics gave me a ride to the Woodstock yard where I got a spare bus. After I got home and had something to eat I put another coat of paint on the door facings and the door for the storage room. Me and Ruby then hung the door and installed felt on the trailer wall inside the room. We also installed a couple sheets of aspenite on the wall. Then it was off for my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby went in and picked up the grandkids and brought them back to our place for supper. After supper we went back to Noel's and got the grandkids ready for bed. We are watching them play their Wii now. They will soon be off to bed and we will wait for Tammy to come home from work.

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