Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 372

A hot sunny day here today with 28º and a humidex of 33º - a great day for shingling lol. Its still 26º here now.
Into Noel's at 6 am to wait for Damien & Payton to get up - Noel & Tammy working this morning. After they got up I took them to our place where they had breakfast and Ruby got them ready for school. We then took them into their place where they got their back packs and their lunch and then it was of to school. Damien is in his 3rd year (grade 1) and its Payton's 1st year (Jr. kindergarten). After they got settled in school Ruby dropped me of at the park and she went on into Woodstock. I got back at shingling the roof and finished just before supper. After supper we went into Woodstock to find Ruby's dentist place for tomorrow and have an ice cream at Dairy Queen. Just back home now and time to relax.

School day

All shingled

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