Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 381

Lots of rain here this morning with a bit of clearing in the afternoon and some drizzle with a high of 17º. It's 16º here now.
Into Woodstock first thing this morning for my school bus monitoring. After I got home I installed the door facings and trim on the storage room door opening. Raining very hard but could do this because it is under the overhang. Also had a few leaks where the room roof joins the trailer roof - will have to investigate later. After lunch I went back into Woodstock for my afternoon bus monitoring. They then got me to go on a route to learn it as they want me to do the route tomorrow afternoon after I get my B licence - gonna be tested tomorrow morning. Not sure if I will remember all the turns, stops, etc but i'm gonna give it a try. I did not get back in time to pick up Damien from school so Ruby arranged for him to go to one of Tammy's friends house until I got there. After the route run I picked Damien up there and then went home and picked Ruby and Payton up and back into Noel's for Payton to get dressed for Karate. It was close but we got her there in time. Noel Took Damien to his school for a meet the teacher and then brought him to his karate class. Back home then.

Karate time

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