Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 377

Cloudy with showers this morning but cleared up just after lunch and a nice sunny day after with a temp of 20º. It's 17º here now.
Ruby went into Woodstock after breakfast to pick up a few things. It's Payton's birthday party today (her birthday is Tuesday) and Payton says no boys allowed lol so after lunch Noel and Damien picked me up and we went into the farm where James works for some fishing and archery.. Ruby picked up Georgina at the park and went into Payton's party. Damien caught his first fish today (he caught 3) - so good to be there for it. James caught a pike and Noel caught 2 pikes. We also sighted in our bows for 30 & 40 yards - they are already sighted in for 20 yards. After that we dropped into Noel's for Noel to change (Payton kicking us out) and then me, Noel & Damien went to subway in Tavistock to pick up supper. We then went to our place to eat. Noel & Damien left for home shortly after supper and Ruby arrived home shortly after that.

Payton's birthday party

Fishing & archery

Damien's first fish

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