Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 385

Nice sunny day here today with 19º but felt much warmer in the sun. Still 19º here now.
Suppose to go golfing this morning but got a call to do school bus monitor this afternoon. Went out and did some more work on the storage room - caulked some areas, installed window shutters and built the frame for the door. After lunch Ruby dropped me of in Innerkip for me to do my monitoring and then she went to Woodstock. She picked me up after I was finished and we went to Noel's and waited for Damien to get out of school and then we went into Woodstock for Damien to get his hair cut - they both have school pictures tomorrow. Back to our place for supper. We are getting ready to go to Noel's for the evening (Noel & Tammy working this evening).

New haircut for school pics tomorrow

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