Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 395

Nice sunny day here today and 19º but very foggy this morning and did not clear up until 11 am. It's 16º here now.
No school bus run this morning - cancelled for the day due to the fog. After breakfast I went into Noel's and picked up Payton. When I got back we did some more transferring of items from shed to storage room and did some organizing - a lot more storage room now which i'm sure Ruby will fill up lol. I went into Woodstock after lunch for some business. Tammy picked Payton up on her way home from work. R & R after supper.

Playing her computer game

Helping Pop

Organizing new storage room

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 394

Nice, mostly sunny day here today and 20º with lots of fog early this morning. It's 17º here now.
School bus run in the fog this morning. After I got home Ruby went into Noel's and picked up Payton. When she got back I went into Woodstock to do some business. After I got home we got at transferring all the containers etc, with Payton's help, from the shed to the new storage room . Got most of it done before I had to make my afternoon bus run. Tammy picked up Payton on her way home from work while I was gone. After supper we went out and put away some things we had left on the deck and then it was R & R time. Waiting for Survivor to come on now.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 393

Very wet day here today and 16º. Rain all day, at times heavy, and stopped at supper time. Its 13º here now.
Did my school bus run this morning and Ruby went into Woodstock. After I got home I cleaned up the storage room and put together some shelving which we had purchased. Raining to much to begin transferring items from the shed to the storage room. Also had to remove my gear from the school bus I had as it was due for service and they brought another one and took the one I was using to the shop. Checked out the bus etc and then did my afternoon run. Ruby was back home when I got back and after supper it was R & R.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 392

Cloudy here today with a high of 16º and a few showers in the afternoon with rain at supper time. Rain and 14º here now.
School bus run 1st thing this morning. After I got home I met Noel in Tavistock where we picked up our deer hunting licence. When I got back home I mowed the lawn and then did the electrical in the storage room - a couple of lights and receptacle. Ruby went to the school and picked Payton up and I made my afternoon bus run. Tammy picked Payton up on her way home from work. After supper it was R & R time.

Having fun with my girl

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 391

Cloudy and cool here today and only 14º. It's 13º here now.
Relaxing day today. After a late breakfast we went for a ride to Ingersoll and I showed Ruby my school bus route there. Had a look around Ingersoll and then went to Woodstock to pick up a few things and then back home for some more relaxing.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 390

Cooler here today - only 15º with some showers throughout the day - big difference from yesterday. It's 11º here now.
Into Noel's 1st thing this morning to borrow his truck. Cleaned up the mess from building the storage room and took it to the park dumpster. Installed some more of the aspenite on the trailer wall inside the room. We then went to a general meeting and lunch at the park chalet. After that I went to HH in Woodstock and returned some items and picked up he electrical and shelving items. Tammy dropped of the grandkids here while I was gone. When I got home I finished sheeting the trailer wall and installed some shelves. Noel here for supper after he got off work - Ruby had a great hot cooked meal done with her newfie salt beef. Thanks Marlene for picking it up for her and to Brenda & Dean for delivering it. Noel & the grandkids left shortly after supper and its R & R time.

Last Thursday night karate

Earning her keep

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 389

A great day here today. A little windy but 28 deg. Its still 25 here now.
Made my morning bus run but broke down on the way home - blown o-ring in high pressure oil line according to the mechanic. Noticed smoke coming from the bottom of the bus and pull off the road and there was oil everywhere under the hood. Called base and they sent 2 mechanics and they tightened the fitting enough to drive it to the shop - also added about 10 liters of oil. One of the mechanics gave me a ride to the Woodstock yard where I got a spare bus. After I got home and had something to eat I put another coat of paint on the door facings and the door for the storage room. Me and Ruby then hung the door and installed felt on the trailer wall inside the room. We also installed a couple sheets of aspenite on the wall. Then it was off for my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby went in and picked up the grandkids and brought them back to our place for supper. After supper we went back to Noel's and got the grandkids ready for bed. We are watching them play their Wii now. They will soon be off to bed and we will wait for Tammy to come home from work.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 388

A great warm mostly sunny day here today with 24 degrees. Its still 21 here now.
Did my school bus run this morning and picked up some notes at the Ingersoll yard as my route/pickup/drop-offs change on Monday morning - keeps it interesting. After breakfast I finished the door to the storage room - installed the knob, door stops, etc. Ruby then painted the door facings, door, etc while I was gone on my afternoon bus run. She then went into Noel's and got the grandkids and picked me up at home when I got back. We then took the grandkids to their karate class. After that Ruby got them ready for bed as we are watching them this evening as Noel & Tammy are both working. They went to bed a short while ago.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 387

Rain this morning but cleared up after lunch and 21º. Still 21º here now.
Made my bus run this morning in Ingersoll. After breakfast I put the plywood on and hung the storage room door. After lunch Ruby went into Woodstock for a visit to the dentist. She's getting expensive and no income either lol. I then made my afternoon bus run and Ruby went into Noel's from the dentist and picked up the grandkids. Damien did not go to school today - not feeling well. We are getting ready now to take the grandkids home and put them to bed.

Grandma's pride & joy

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 386

Beautiful warm mostly sunny day here today and 25º - keep 'em coming. It's 24º here now.
Into Woodstock first thing this morning for school bus monitoring. After that came home and picked Ruby up and she dropped me at the bus company in Innerkip. They had a temp route and bus for me. Brought the bus back to the park and made arrangements with the owners for parking and then made a dry run to Ingersoll to check stops, school & timing. While there got a call to do another run in the afternoon. Did that run and while I was gone Ruby went into Noel's to get the grandkids. After I got back Ruby picked me up with the grandkids and we went to Noel's for supper - Noel is sick and did not go to work. After supper I took another run out to Ingersoll to double check my run for tomorrow morning. Ruby gave the kids a bath etc while I was gone and just after I got back we left for home.

Making pop's taco


Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 385

Nice sunny day here today with 19º but felt much warmer in the sun. Still 19º here now.
Suppose to go golfing this morning but got a call to do school bus monitor this afternoon. Went out and did some more work on the storage room - caulked some areas, installed window shutters and built the frame for the door. After lunch Ruby dropped me of in Innerkip for me to do my monitoring and then she went to Woodstock. She picked me up after I was finished and we went to Noel's and waited for Damien to get out of school and then we went into Woodstock for Damien to get his hair cut - they both have school pictures tomorrow. Back to our place for supper. We are getting ready to go to Noel's for the evening (Noel & Tammy working this evening).

New haircut for school pics tomorrow

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 384

Nice sunny day here today with only 18º but felt much warmer in the sun. Great day for working outside. It's 13º here now.
Out after breakfast working on the storage room - removed window from bedroom in trailer and installed in room, resealed roof join (hopefully no more leaks) and finished installing siding. Room is closed in now except for the door. After that I mowed and trimmed the lawn. After supper it was time for some R & R.

Its getting there

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 383

Mostly sunny here today with a few cloudy periods and some scattered showers and 21º. It's 17º here now.
Out working on the storage room first thing this morning. Installed all the trim for the vinyl siding, finished back wall, finished wall facing patio and did side wall up to where the window is going to be installed - starting to look good (forgot to do some pics). Before supper I went into Noel's to give him a hand to put the winter trap on his pool. After supper I typed up and printed the instructions that I had wrote down for the school bus route that I did on Friday just in case I have to do that route again someday. Time to watch a little TV.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 382

Cloudy with a few sunny periods here today and 18º. It's 15º here now.
Into Woodstock first thing this morning to do a school bus route with another driver so I can learn the route. Then into Innerkip to do my written and practical tests for a 'B' licence and air brake endorsement. Passed both and then took it all to Drive Test to get a temporary 'B' licence. Had to go to Service Ontario to get a renewal of my old licence first as they were gonna run out on my birthday. After I got that done it was back to Drive Test and after some checking etc I finally got my 'B' licence with a 'Z' (air brakes) endorsement. As I have a 'M' (motorcycle) endorsement I am now able to drive most anything up here except for a tractor trailer. I then went home and Ruby brought me to Innerkip to give the bus company a copy of my licence and to pick up a bus to do the route I had learned yesterday evening and this morning. Ruby then went into Noel's to wait for the kids to get out of school and to wait for Noel to get home from work. I then did my 1st bus route on my own and it worked out all right - got all the kids home safely anyway lol. When I got back in Innerkip Ruby & Payton were waiting to pick me up and we went to Noel's for supper.
Very busy week with all the bus training, bus monitoring, studying, learning routes, etc. Now that all the training etc is over it should slow down a bit lol.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 381

Lots of rain here this morning with a bit of clearing in the afternoon and some drizzle with a high of 17º. It's 16º here now.
Into Woodstock first thing this morning for my school bus monitoring. After I got home I installed the door facings and trim on the storage room door opening. Raining very hard but could do this because it is under the overhang. Also had a few leaks where the room roof joins the trailer roof - will have to investigate later. After lunch I went back into Woodstock for my afternoon bus monitoring. They then got me to go on a route to learn it as they want me to do the route tomorrow afternoon after I get my B licence - gonna be tested tomorrow morning. Not sure if I will remember all the turns, stops, etc but i'm gonna give it a try. I did not get back in time to pick up Damien from school so Ruby arranged for him to go to one of Tammy's friends house until I got there. After the route run I picked Damien up there and then went home and picked Ruby and Payton up and back into Noel's for Payton to get dressed for Karate. It was close but we got her there in time. Noel Took Damien to his school for a meet the teacher and then brought him to his karate class. Back home then.

Karate time