Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 152

Another cold day again today with some wind and flurries.
Ruby's back very bad this morning and she's in lots of pain. To much pain for her to eat her breakfast. She gets nauseated when she gets up. I wanted her to go to the hospital to get her back checked but she wouldn't go and said she would wait and go to the walk in clinic Monday evening. When Noel called I told him what was going on, he had a talk to her and she decided to go to the hospital - she could never say no to Noel. Noel came out to make sure she went. I took her to the Woodstock hospital and we had to wait over 2 hours before they found a place for her to lie down even though she was in great pain sitting up and I had requested 3 times a place for her to lie down to ease the pain. I guess health care is all the same no matter where you go - short on facilities and staff. After she finally got to see the doctor he told her it was one of those injuries that takes time to heal. He gave her some antiinflammatory drugs and some pain killers to help her sleep. He also gave her a back stretching exercise for her to do and told her to not give up on the Win fit workouts once she recovers as its very beneficial. So hopefully it will get better with time.

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