Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 138

Very mild here again today.
We slept in a bit this morning as it's Sunday and the grandkids had us up early yesterday morning. When I got up this morning the left side of my face was swollen more and so tender I couldn't wear my glasses. There's a pretty pic below. By this evening it had settled down a bit. Me, Noel & James were going in to our hunting grounds today to check on the deer and set up our cameras but I didn't feel up to it - maybe next weekend. After breakfast we did our Wii Fit workout - I took it easy as I'm still not feeling the best but Ruby was flat out lol. I relaxed a bit after lunch and Ruby went for her walk. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. Some pics below of some wildlife back of our home. The 2nd & 3rd ones are of a dead raccoon just across the creek and a hawk feeding on it. As you can see from the pics still not much snow here.

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