Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 144

Beautiful spring like day here today - nice and sunny.
Picked up Noel at 715 am and drove out to Brussels again. I briefed Noel on what we had covered in the course last night and had the manual for him to look over. We finished the course at 1130 am so we both will eventually get our PAL card and Noel will get his H1 outdoors card (I already have an H1) which qualifies us to hunt with both guns and bows plus we can purchase guns. All we have to do now is go to turkey school. After I got home Ruby went into Woodstock and Tammy dropped the grandkids off here. Noel came here after he finished his interview at Woodstock Toyota for another TL job and they were here for supper. Just finished playing Ruby a game of golf, tennis, baseball & bowling on the Wii - I'm not allowed to say who won lol.
Hey Mona great job on the poem for mom's 80th birthday.

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