Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 150

A very cold day here again today (-12) but it felt warmer than yesterday - no wind.
I shut the generator at 145 am this morning, Ruby got up at 130 and the power was back on in the park. Not sure when it came back on but it was still of at 1130 pm, so of approx. 4 hours. It was 2 am by the time I got the generator and cable put away.
I did my Wii workout before breakfast. Ruby's back still very bad this morning especially when she got up. Spent most of the day lying down. Payton here for lunch and we were outdoors after lunch and she helped me with cleaning the snow of the patio. After Tammy picked up Payton I went into Wal Mart and did some shopping as Ruby's couldn't do it. That tells you how bad her back is when she can't go shopping. I picked up some Robaxacet for Ruby and after she took some it seemed to help her back a bit. After I got home I went for a walk. After supper we listened to the Red Wings and Royals game on the internet - the wings aren't doing much with it this year. I played a couple of games of golf while listening to the game. Nothing better playing golf and listening to hockey.

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