Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 146

No walk this morning - warm but fog and rain/sloppy snow.
I removed the bad capacitor from Noel's TV board and we did our workout after breakfast. Tammy dropped Payton of just before lunch. I had to pick Damien up from school at lunchtime as he was not feeling well. When he got to our place he said his mom told him he had to play Wii in order for him to get better lol. Tammy here after she finished work at 1 pm and then she left for her interview with Toyota. I went into Woodstock and purchased a capacitor for Noel's circuit board and installed it when I got back. Noel & Tammy here at 530 pm for supper. Tammy took the grandkids home while me and Noel took my bow into Ingold Archery as he has the new module in that will shorten the draw length. We were there for a couple of hours as he installed the module & peep sight and set up the bow to suit me. He really knows his stuff. When we got back we installed the circuit board in his TV and lo and behold it worked. Not bad for a $5 fix.

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