Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 148

Not that cold temperature wise today but the wind make it feel a lot colder, also a few flurries.
We did our Wii workout before breakfast this morning and Ruby hurt her back while doing it - seems like she pulled a muscle. Trying to keep up with the kid lol. Ruby went into Woodstock (back not to bad for shopping) after breakfast and Tammy dropped of Payton before lunch. Just the 2 of us had some quality time together. I was gonna start at the washroom today but when Ruby got back she had a new game for the Wii - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 - so naturally I had to play with that. Ruby had to lie down when she got back due to her back although she did manage to do a pot of soup. Tammy picked up Payton at 230 pm and after we had supper Ruby went straight back to the sofa where she is right now. Her back is really bad so she will have to take it easy for awhile.

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