Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 137

Hope you had a great one. My you don't look to bad for your age lol. Hey Dean I hope you treated her "special" today.
Mild here again this morning.
Up bright and early this morning with the grandkids here. After breakfast I had to go to the walk-in clinic in Woodstock to see a doctor. Ok last night when I went to bed but this morning I had swelling on the left side of my face. It's swelled aroung my eye, my nose, my jaw and my neck. Very, very tender too. The doctor said in was a bad infection and got me on heavy antibiotics. After the doctor visit I met Tammy, Noel Ruby, Damien & Payton at the Woodstock Community Center where the grandkids had gymnastics. When we got home I wasn't feeling to well so I bunked out on the chesterfield until supper. After supper straight to bed. Still not feeling the best so off to take some more antibiotics and off to bed again. Hopefully by tomorrow morning I'll be feeling better.
Also Noel had an interview this morning for a TL (Team Leader) job at Woodstock Toyota. And Tammy has an interview later this month for a job with Toyota. Wish both of them luck.

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