Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 145

Very mild today - 7 degrees and rain.
Out for a walk this morning before it started to rain and did my Wii Fit workout when I got back - missed yesterday due to the gun course - Ruby did hers yesterday. Ruby had her Sunday morning sleep in. Phoned mom at her party at the Deer Lake Motel to wish her Happy Birthday. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. While they were here I called mom at home and Noel & the grandkids had a chat with her and wished her happy birthday. Me & Noel went into his place before supper to have a look at his plasma TV - it will not turn on and it has a steady clicking sound with 2 green lights blinking when it is plugged in. Checked on the internet for some problems with that TV and found that it may be a capacitor in the power supply circuit board. When Noel got home he had a look and found a capacitor with a bulging top on the board which is a good indication that it is gone and hopefully what is causing his TV trouble. He removed the board and I went into his place and picked it up. Will take the capacitor out tomorrow and see if I can find a replacement for it. Another golf game tonight too.

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