Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 141

Sunny here today but a bit cold - not a bad day though.
The hogger on the corn stove started making a bit of noise last night and was not feeding corn good. Shut down the stove when I got up and remove the corn left in it and also remove the hogger. Cleaned and oiled everything and it seemed to me as if the hogger was installed wrong as it was a bit noisy since we had the stove. I installed it the way I thought it should be and it now works quieter and better. Don't know if somebody had it out before or what but its working good so far. After lunch we went in to Noel's and picked up the grandkids and took them to Woodstock for skating. Damien is doing really well with the help of the skating aid and the next step is to get him skating without it. Payton said when she was going to the ice that she didn't want any help today and she would be doing it on her own with the skating aid - she's very determined lol. She surprised us when she did it to as the last time she would not even try it - way to go Payton & Damien. After skating we took them to a couple of stores as we want to get them a helmet with a face shield because we are afraid that they may hit their face when they fall and the skating aid has no padding. Did not find any helmets suitable today, we are going into Woodstock tomorrow to see what we can find. Gonna go now and try to beat Ruby a game of golf and a game or two of tennis.

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