Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 142

Sunny and mild here today with a cold easterly wind.
Into Woodstock this morning to pick up Noel - he had his van at Apple Auto Glass getting the windshield replaced. Hard place on windshields lol. His must have got hit with a rock earlier and it cracked a couple of days ago. While we were waiting for his van to be done we checked some sports stores for some hockey helmets for the grandkids - didn't find what we were looking for. After I got back home we did our Wii Fit workout. After lunch we went into Woodstock and checked the price on some materials for the trailer - patio door, paneling etc. We also pick up 2 helmets with face shields for the grandkids - will try them on them tomorrow to make sure they fit ok. Me & Noel are going to do a gun course this weekend - Friday night and Saturday. Once we get the gun course and the turkey course we should be good to hunt most anything up here. After supper had 20 bags of corn delivered and poured in the bins on the patio.

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