Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 149

Very cold here today - a real winters day. Temp -10 all day and the wind chill was -20 along with some blowing snow.
Ruby's back still very bad this morning. She spent most of the day on the sofa and only got up when she had to. The grandkids here at 10 am and they had a homemade get well card and flowers for gamma - god bless'em. I was doing laundry all day. Tammy picked up the grandkids at 4 pm. At around 5 pm the power went of for about 5 mins. After supper we were relaxing and watching the news when the power went of again at 650 pm and its still of now at 1030 pm. At 715 pm I went out and hooked up our generator and we are nice and warm - thank god we bought it. I was over to our neighbors and ask them to come over to our place as we have power, they said they would if they got to cold - no sign of them yet. Don't know how the rest of the people here in the park are making out as its bitterly cold outside. Gotta go now and gas up the generator before we go to bed - will keep it running all night unless the power comes back on.

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