Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 152

Another cold day again today with some wind and flurries.
Ruby's back very bad this morning and she's in lots of pain. To much pain for her to eat her breakfast. She gets nauseated when she gets up. I wanted her to go to the hospital to get her back checked but she wouldn't go and said she would wait and go to the walk in clinic Monday evening. When Noel called I told him what was going on, he had a talk to her and she decided to go to the hospital - she could never say no to Noel. Noel came out to make sure she went. I took her to the Woodstock hospital and we had to wait over 2 hours before they found a place for her to lie down even though she was in great pain sitting up and I had requested 3 times a place for her to lie down to ease the pain. I guess health care is all the same no matter where you go - short on facilities and staff. After she finally got to see the doctor he told her it was one of those injuries that takes time to heal. He gave her some antiinflammatory drugs and some pain killers to help her sleep. He also gave her a back stretching exercise for her to do and told her to not give up on the Win fit workouts once she recovers as its very beneficial. So hopefully it will get better with time.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 151

Another cold day here again today but sunny and very little wind which made it seem warmer.
I did my Wii workout before breakfast this morning. Ruby's back still bad this morning but an improvement from yesterday - she seems to be a the road to recovery but she as the touch of a cold now. She's been resting all day again - I think she's starting to like being tended on lol. I was out for a walk after lunch. We were suppose to go into Noel's for supper but Ruby's back is still not good enough to go out yet. After supper we listened to the Red Wings & Royals game - way to go Wings although I won't book our plane tickets for the Herder yet lol.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 150

A very cold day here again today (-12) but it felt warmer than yesterday - no wind.
I shut the generator at 145 am this morning, Ruby got up at 130 and the power was back on in the park. Not sure when it came back on but it was still of at 1130 pm, so of approx. 4 hours. It was 2 am by the time I got the generator and cable put away.
I did my Wii workout before breakfast. Ruby's back still very bad this morning especially when she got up. Spent most of the day lying down. Payton here for lunch and we were outdoors after lunch and she helped me with cleaning the snow of the patio. After Tammy picked up Payton I went into Wal Mart and did some shopping as Ruby's couldn't do it. That tells you how bad her back is when she can't go shopping. I picked up some Robaxacet for Ruby and after she took some it seemed to help her back a bit. After I got home I went for a walk. After supper we listened to the Red Wings and Royals game on the internet - the wings aren't doing much with it this year. I played a couple of games of golf while listening to the game. Nothing better playing golf and listening to hockey.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 149

Very cold here today - a real winters day. Temp -10 all day and the wind chill was -20 along with some blowing snow.
Ruby's back still very bad this morning. She spent most of the day on the sofa and only got up when she had to. The grandkids here at 10 am and they had a homemade get well card and flowers for gamma - god bless'em. I was doing laundry all day. Tammy picked up the grandkids at 4 pm. At around 5 pm the power went of for about 5 mins. After supper we were relaxing and watching the news when the power went of again at 650 pm and its still of now at 1030 pm. At 715 pm I went out and hooked up our generator and we are nice and warm - thank god we bought it. I was over to our neighbors and ask them to come over to our place as we have power, they said they would if they got to cold - no sign of them yet. Don't know how the rest of the people here in the park are making out as its bitterly cold outside. Gotta go now and gas up the generator before we go to bed - will keep it running all night unless the power comes back on.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 148

Not that cold temperature wise today but the wind make it feel a lot colder, also a few flurries.
We did our Wii workout before breakfast this morning and Ruby hurt her back while doing it - seems like she pulled a muscle. Trying to keep up with the kid lol. Ruby went into Woodstock (back not to bad for shopping) after breakfast and Tammy dropped of Payton before lunch. Just the 2 of us had some quality time together. I was gonna start at the washroom today but when Ruby got back she had a new game for the Wii - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 - so naturally I had to play with that. Ruby had to lie down when she got back due to her back although she did manage to do a pot of soup. Tammy picked up Payton at 230 pm and after we had supper Ruby went straight back to the sofa where she is right now. Her back is really bad so she will have to take it easy for awhile.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 147

Still not very cold here but a few flurries today.
Ruby into Woodstock this morning and I was out for my walk. Ruby picked up Damien & Payton at their Rainbow Time before lunch and Tammy picked them up here at 4 pm. They can certainly keep you busy - lots of energy lol. Did some work on the furnace today as every now and then the pilot light goes out. Hopefully its fixed. Me & Ruby were out for our weekly supper tonight. We found a great Chinese restaurant serving a buffet. We are trying a different place each week to try and find the good ones. Going to watch American Idol now and the play some golf etc.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 146

No walk this morning - warm but fog and rain/sloppy snow.
I removed the bad capacitor from Noel's TV board and we did our workout after breakfast. Tammy dropped Payton of just before lunch. I had to pick Damien up from school at lunchtime as he was not feeling well. When he got to our place he said his mom told him he had to play Wii in order for him to get better lol. Tammy here after she finished work at 1 pm and then she left for her interview with Toyota. I went into Woodstock and purchased a capacitor for Noel's circuit board and installed it when I got back. Noel & Tammy here at 530 pm for supper. Tammy took the grandkids home while me and Noel took my bow into Ingold Archery as he has the new module in that will shorten the draw length. We were there for a couple of hours as he installed the module & peep sight and set up the bow to suit me. He really knows his stuff. When we got back we installed the circuit board in his TV and lo and behold it worked. Not bad for a $5 fix.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 145

Very mild today - 7 degrees and rain.
Out for a walk this morning before it started to rain and did my Wii Fit workout when I got back - missed yesterday due to the gun course - Ruby did hers yesterday. Ruby had her Sunday morning sleep in. Phoned mom at her party at the Deer Lake Motel to wish her Happy Birthday. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. While they were here I called mom at home and Noel & the grandkids had a chat with her and wished her happy birthday. Me & Noel went into his place before supper to have a look at his plasma TV - it will not turn on and it has a steady clicking sound with 2 green lights blinking when it is plugged in. Checked on the internet for some problems with that TV and found that it may be a capacitor in the power supply circuit board. When Noel got home he had a look and found a capacitor with a bulging top on the board which is a good indication that it is gone and hopefully what is causing his TV trouble. He removed the board and I went into his place and picked it up. Will take the capacitor out tomorrow and see if I can find a replacement for it. Another golf game tonight too.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 144

Beautiful spring like day here today - nice and sunny.
Picked up Noel at 715 am and drove out to Brussels again. I briefed Noel on what we had covered in the course last night and had the manual for him to look over. We finished the course at 1130 am so we both will eventually get our PAL card and Noel will get his H1 outdoors card (I already have an H1) which qualifies us to hunt with both guns and bows plus we can purchase guns. All we have to do now is go to turkey school. After I got home Ruby went into Woodstock and Tammy dropped the grandkids off here. Noel came here after he finished his interview at Woodstock Toyota for another TL job and they were here for supper. Just finished playing Ruby a game of golf, tennis, baseball & bowling on the Wii - I'm not allowed to say who won lol.
Hey Mona great job on the poem for mom's 80th birthday.

Day 143

Friday, January 22, 2010:
Another fairly warm day. We were out for our walk this morning and did our Wii workout after breakfast. Into Noel's after lunch to pick up the grandkids (Noel & Tammy had to work) and took them shopping with their monthly allowance that we give them. You ought to see them shopping - it's a real pleasure. After supper I drove to Brussels (86 kms from home) and did the first part of the gun course - Noel had to work and will be there tomorrow morning. It was 1115 pm before I got home.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 142

Sunny and mild here today with a cold easterly wind.
Into Woodstock this morning to pick up Noel - he had his van at Apple Auto Glass getting the windshield replaced. Hard place on windshields lol. His must have got hit with a rock earlier and it cracked a couple of days ago. While we were waiting for his van to be done we checked some sports stores for some hockey helmets for the grandkids - didn't find what we were looking for. After I got back home we did our Wii Fit workout. After lunch we went into Woodstock and checked the price on some materials for the trailer - patio door, paneling etc. We also pick up 2 helmets with face shields for the grandkids - will try them on them tomorrow to make sure they fit ok. Me & Noel are going to do a gun course this weekend - Friday night and Saturday. Once we get the gun course and the turkey course we should be good to hunt most anything up here. After supper had 20 bags of corn delivered and poured in the bins on the patio.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 141

Sunny here today but a bit cold - not a bad day though.
The hogger on the corn stove started making a bit of noise last night and was not feeding corn good. Shut down the stove when I got up and remove the corn left in it and also remove the hogger. Cleaned and oiled everything and it seemed to me as if the hogger was installed wrong as it was a bit noisy since we had the stove. I installed it the way I thought it should be and it now works quieter and better. Don't know if somebody had it out before or what but its working good so far. After lunch we went in to Noel's and picked up the grandkids and took them to Woodstock for skating. Damien is doing really well with the help of the skating aid and the next step is to get him skating without it. Payton said when she was going to the ice that she didn't want any help today and she would be doing it on her own with the skating aid - she's very determined lol. She surprised us when she did it to as the last time she would not even try it - way to go Payton & Damien. After skating we took them to a couple of stores as we want to get them a helmet with a face shield because we are afraid that they may hit their face when they fall and the skating aid has no padding. Did not find any helmets suitable today, we are going into Woodstock tomorrow to see what we can find. Gonna go now and try to beat Ruby a game of golf and a game or two of tennis.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 140

Mild again today and still some fog in the morning. Ruby into Woodstock this morning. I did not get out for my walk as Dr. Ruby still has me house bound lol. The antibiotics are finally starting to work and the swelling in my face is starting to go down. After lunch we did our workout. After supper we went in to Noel's to look after the grandkids where we are currently at. Ruby let me out of the house for that lol.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 139

Another mild day today but damp and foggy which made it feel much colder.
We did not get out for our walk this morning as Ruby said I'm not allowed out of the house until I get better. Not sure if its because of the ugly looking face or sound medical advice lol. We did our Wii Fit workout after breakfast and Ruby went for her walk after lunch. She let me out long enough to go to the park library to get a book to read. So it was a relaxing day waiting for the antibiotics to do there thing. I signed me and Noel up for a Turkey Seminar on February 27/10 - its a course you have to take if you want to hunt turkeys here. We have to check on taking a gun course next. Below are some before and after pics of our porch.