Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 325

Lots of rain this morning and some thunder storms but very warm (28º) and humid. Cleared up at lunch time and a nice day after that. Still 26º here now. Gonna be a warm night for sleeping.
Into Noel's at 6 am and brought the grandkids to our place after they got up. Did some Wii then and after breakfast caught up on some paper work. We spent the morning being entertained by the grandkids. After lunch I went for a walk. When I got back they helped me out with my hair cutting. Noel & Tammy here after they got home from work and we had a BBQ for supper. Tammy couldn't eat because of the dental surgery she had on Wednesday - she's still having some pain etc. They left shortly after supper and we relaxed after while trying to cool down - its very warm & humid.

Barbers in training

Fun before supper

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