Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 322

Cloudy day today with some sunny periods and 24º - nice temp. 21º here now.
Into Noel's at 6 am and waited for the grand kids to get up then brought then to our place for the day. Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning and I spent the morning being entertained by the grandkids. After lunch we all went to the park pool for a couple of hours. Damien & Payton's friend Georgina from the park (her grandmother lives here) came to the pool while we were there. She brought a lunch for them and she then came to our place to spend some time with them. I went for a walk and had another dip in the pool on the way back. Georgina's grandmother came and got her just before supper and Tammy picked up the grandkids at the same time. After supper we went to the grandkids soccer - it was their last one for the summer and they both got medals, ribbons, etc. Relaxing now and watching a movie.

Helping pop with his Wii

Lunch at the pool with their friend Georgina

Their last evening of soccer

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